In The Beginning

One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies growing up (The Goonies, starring Sean Astin) was when child-actor Jeff Cohen get’s captured by the bad guys and they ask him to tell them everything…from the beginning. So he starts his confession with Third grade and works his way to the present. It is the best scene…ever.


So why am I bring this up?

Well, it is really about “beginning”. My daughter just graduated from college and is about to begin a new phase of her life. She gets to start her story. And because of the way my mind works, I started thinking back about when I graduated from college, and where my story began, and more importantly how I have evolved as an artist. And, how I find myself currently heading back to my roots.

As with most college students, when I was getting ready to graduate, my plan was to take over the world...with my art of course.  I set out to be a freelance illustrator.  I made countless appointments and schlepped my portfolio to art director upon art director; anyone within a 50 mile radius of Philadelphia.  Although I got a few jobs here and there, I found most art directors didn't really understand my work at the time.  So, I got a full-time job as a graphic designer.  I worked at an agency for a few years, and while there, I got married, moved to New Jersey and a ninety minute commute turned in to a three hour one.

That got old fast.

So I quit.

My husband and I started a family and I started doing odd art jobs on a part-time basis, fitting things in around nap times and when I could conveniently get a sitter.  As my kids got older and my time free-er, the idea of getting back in to "my art" was whispering in my ear.

Since I had been out of the loop for a little while, I knew I had to spruce up my portfolio.  I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of anything and everything I thought I could use for reference photos for future art projects.  You know, what does a kid eating ice cream look like, or a chair with a pillow on it taken in every conceivable angle.

The things is, I realized I liked taking the pictures more than trying to reproduce them in any other media. I found myself composing, cropping and enhancing, and a new art form was born.

Over the years, probably about 15 or so, I've experimented with different subjects and different techniques.

I like where I am now, but I never stop learning.  I recently picked up a pencil again, well a digital pencil anyway. I’m not really sure where it will land, so stick around, because you never know when something new and unusual is going to pop up!


What influences my work? The world around me!! Check out some of my favorite inspirations below.

PS-Here is a picture of when I met Sean Astin. Goonies never say die!
