My Detox Journey: Part 1

10 years ago I was a warrior. I worked out 1-2 hours a day, 6 days a week, and while I probably would have been marked in an actual fight, I was a legend in my own mind. I felt great. I felt confident and I felt like i could kick ass.

Gradually time, age, stress, life, a little snafu known as a pandemic, slowly chipped away at my kick assery. And, as I was enjoying the laze; not paying attention, eating—a lot, forgiving behaviors I never would have tolerated 10 years ago, deep down I haven’t really been feeling very good about myself.

So, I decided my mind-set needs a re-set. After several failed Monday morning “this is the week I am going to change my eating habits”, I decided to do a detox. It’s not your typical detox. At least I don’t think it is. But I have never done a detox before, so I actually wouldn’t know. For 2 weeks I am giving up caffeine, sugar and carbs-think bread, pasta, rice and then obviously chips, crackers, popcorn are thrown in there. And oh…no dairy.

I’ve replaced my morning coffee with a protein shake. I munch on carrots and homemade kale chips or fruit all day with the occasionally pistachio thrown in. I’m supposed to fill half my plate with vegetables with a small amount of protein.

7 days in the headaches from lack of caffein went away 2 days ago as did my face being warm all day from flush. It’s taking a lot of will power. so I am focusing on water, water and water.

I hopped on the scale the morning I started this 2 week journey. A startling number, I must say. I’m not supposed t step on it again until the end.

I miss coffee.


The oxymoron currently residing in my kitchen.