The New Junkyard Collection

A bazillion years ago, when I was a mom with young kids, I attended some brunch where the “motivational” speaker, also a mom, was talking about being happy or something like that. To be honest it was a bazillion years ago, so I don’t really remember what the topic was, however what stood out in my mind was 1) she was the mother of 10 (why?) and 2) how we should hold on to the little moments that brings us joy. Her’s was being able to shave both legs at the same time. At that time, mine was just being able to go to the bathroom by myself. Anyway, I realized then that joy in your life is situational. What brought you joy once, may not be relevant now.

So, why am I sharing this?

It’s the beginning of the new year, and I like to look back at the past year and reflect on what worked, or what chapter I may not want to reread. More so creatively, then personally (because, I am always doing personal self checks). I actually had a great year creatively and professionally. I put out a lot of great work and had very happy clients. But, as the year went on, I realized that I was giving my best creative self to others, and not keeping any for me. My best work was going to someone else. Yeah, I got paid. Which was joyful, because I am trying to not only pay my credit card bill, but give my dogs a better life. And, I have a tremendous work ethic, so I am never going to half-ass something. I am always going to turn out my best. But, in the end, in the long run, am I going to be remembered for the beautiful, iconic website I designed for someone else. Probably not, especially once I am replaced and someone new with fresh ideas comes and redesigns it.

No, it was time to dig deep into my creative soul and find my artsy self again.

Queue the workshop!!

I decided to attend a photography workshop that was held at a junkyard that was closed to the public, especially for picture taking. I had passed this place all the time and with the broken airplane looming over the fence as you drove by, I could not help but be intrigued. This was going to be my one opportunity to see what was in there. I decided to follow the leader of the workshop as he gave a tour first. Then I walked around in circles a couple of times before I started to take pictures. There was stuff everywhere, so I had to focus in on different areas. It was mostly abandoned cars, trucks and buses, layered with bits of carousel horses and appliances. There was the occasional airplane or two and some mannequins (not in the airplanes).

My shooting style usually consists of me just shooting away. I don’t look at the shot after I take it and see if I “got” the image the way I intended. I take a lot of photos and then look at them all later. Sometimes not until the next day, or even the day after that. I want to be in the moment.

What was great about this workshop for me creatively? It did not check off any of my photography style boxes. (Although it was a nice Fall day to walk around outside, which does check off one of my boxes). I pushed my comfort zones to look in a different world and find exciting images.

It was a great day, and the highlight of my creative year, and I love the images I have created. If you a re interested, you can view the entire Junkyard Collection in my portfolio.

I just felt like sharing a little bit of myself.

Have a fabulous day!


New year. Same me. Bigger purpose. Better focus.